Well..it has been nearly a month since my last post..very long gap indeed..but believe me i was not busy the whole month..but..i was too bored...was out of topics to blog..nothin new or interesting happened in my life..well there were a lot of bitter moments..a few comedies[mainly done by my hod and staffs..in coll]..other than that my last month was miserable...
I dint see any movie..there were no festivals cos of a death in my family[my grandpa's brother passed away] well..it was too boring..But..i need to blog..cant left it unattended u see..so i ve decided to list out a few changes within myself which i noticed in the recent times:
*I started to love pink!!Dunno y..no specific reasons!
*I am getting too angry..very abnormal..my frnds normally refer me as a "sorana-ketta-jenmam"..with no feelins for anythin..well now i ve started to get angry for small small things!
*I ve stopped practising music for sometime...well...accordin to my appa and amma its a big crime!!well..i guess it is:(
*I forgot how to study for exams..Unit tests were worse than jokes..managed to pass in everything somehow!lol!
*I am totally inactive always dozing off whenever i get time!I normally don sleep much..but now-a-days am gettin too much sleep...esp in class hours lol!
*I ve started to see the negatives in everything and everyone[if u notice..only the first point in this list is positive lol!]Well..i feel this is making me lose frnds..dunno..feelin as if i ve noone for myself...
Sorry idha vida mokkaya oru post irukaadhu nu theryum aana enaku solradhuku vera endha matter ume kedaikala!!phew....semester time vera...oor ulagathula iruka elaarum enakaga vendikango!!!Na exam nalla paniten na.....
................................................adha pathi oru post ezhudharen:p vera edhum edhirpaakaadheenga;)
hey same pinch-engaHOD kooda adikadi comedy panraanga...
every1 goes thro such a phase...u will be out of it soon..
Z all becoz u r 19 hehe :) ... Keep posting gal..
Ur "Frnd ship" post wz bit informative and ,indeed ,interesting...
Can I put a link 4 dat in one of ma comin posts..?
@sidhu:HOD-Highly Over-enthu Dogs:/
@kabaali:Hope so:)
@Ajit:too true!!marana mokka!:(
@Bullet:Irukalaam!inum konja naal la idha padichu naane siripen!Sure make use of it:)
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c dis
//I started to love pink!!Dunno y..no specific reasons//
haha no wonder n that, you are a girl :)
//now i ve started to get angry for small small things!
hmm please check your health and lifestyle there must be something bothering you.
//I ve started to see the negatives in everything and everyone//
Thats not a good sign :) go to nearby temple and sit with closed eyes for sometime, you would be fine :)
hey I have hard time reading your posts, due to the color effect :) I come to the comment section and click on show original post hehe :) blame it on my eyes
hmm good tips:) well this template thingy is not jus gettin set..any template i put up some prob occurs...ll check out asap:)
Started loving pink??????? After all it's a girlie color... Hope these days you haven't been so girly I guess... :-P
Getting angry???? May be u add more salt in ur food now-a-days...
Stopped practising music??? Nah... Never do this... Not all get this gift from god...
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