A small girl and her dad were walkin on the streets of their village on a very hot day!!
The sun was scorching hot!
Both of them were so tired that they couldn walk at all...But the little girl seemed anxious and chirpy and kept on questioning her dad about wat ever they came across..The dad got irritated and shouted"Keep quiet!!No more questions!!"..The little girl became sad at once and started walking silently beside her dad...Suddenly they came across a windmill...The little girl already angry that her dad had shouted at her raised her hands above and yelled.."Oh God!!U gave such a big fan for my village!!But still i am sweating!"
Her dad lifted her and kissed her with a wide smile!
{P.S:This is my 1st short story in english!lol do comment on this!}
nice story....u can write for kollywood...it is in desperate need for good stories
@naren:lol tamil padathuku ezhudhara alavuku naa inum munerala!!lol thanks:)
Inda appa TR, ponnu TRISHA... :D
@karthik anna:
ayayo!!en anna ipdi oru reference:O:(
nice story!!
the girl in the story is ur character i guess :P :D
lol since i wrote this story..the girl's words r my brainchild!so its obviously me:p he he he:D
cute story :)
ur template's bg image disturb the readers..nice post!
Love the story! Even I got one such cute message!! Dad angrily asks a son "Why did you get zero in all the subjects?" The child replied very innocently, "Dad!!Maam had no stars to give me, so she gave me the whole moon". Innocence is very sweet!!!
hey first time here..nice one and a good start. keep posting!
thanks de:)
ok sir..ll see tat template is chngd asap:)
ya nice one:)thanks:)
thanks:)keep visiting:)
Innocence... the one thing that differs us from kids...
It's a hard fact that as we grow, we tend to lose our innocence... :-(
BTW, Innocence narrated in a cool way!!
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