Well....i was sittin in front of amma to have my hair plaited...she was saying.."When u wer in ur 3rd std and all u used to have thick dense hair...now u r losin hair in lots"..i was mmm-ing occasionally....she was sayin how i used to dress up as she liked..with big bindhi and orange flowers and all..and suddenly she sayin"aana seriyaana kutti pisaasu de nee"[but u wer such a devilish kid].."why ma"i askd..
"When u wer a kid if someone whom u don lik comes home u used to turn ur face the opposite side haughtily..u never went near any uncle or aunt of urs...always u used to hold the end of my sari and stand....and the worst of all...u and ur second cousin ajju jointly used to tease ur other friend vaithi.."
"stoooooooooooooooooop..wat wat...wat are u sayin ma...chi..am not able to listen to these childish things ma!right from the day i knew wats around me vaithi has been my frnd...why ll i tease such a good frnd??don be stupid ma"i shouted!!
"hey i kno de....u used to play 'teacher-teacher'..u wer the headmistress..ajju was the principal...and paavam vaithi ll be the peon...u used to play 'doctor-doctor'..u wer the doc..ajju was the compounder and poor vaithi was the patient....u used to play 'shakthimaan'...ajju was shakthimaan u wer geetha vishwas and sadly vaithi was thaamraaj kilvish....u wer such an egoist mean stupid jealous..blah blah blah blah.......girl!"sayin this she hit my head"DONG" playfully....
i went deep into thoughts..."was i lik that??"i was thinkin....poor vaithi...was i so stupid...and suddenly the clock bell rang 5..."oh god!!!from tomo i ve got to go to colls!!!"wait wait...."how fast ve i grown up...i felt very idiotic when i listened to those things said by amma..am in coll..i ve grown up!!LOL!only now i realise!!!cha...vaithi sorry da!i kno u won even remember these..wherever u r am sorry da..cha how stupid i ve been.."
i ran to my room meddled my cupboard and finally got hold of a superb still....and saw the kutti pisasu with two helpers starin at me!!!amma u are rite ma:D

still devil oly i guess :P
no more small now bigger devil...causing bigger devilish things
HU ha ha ha!
Second ajith
Kutty pisase kutty pisase un tholla thaangalaiyee....
nee mathum thaan en blog la paathu paaduviya?? naane shave panna kaasu illama thaadi valakuuren... nee vera manakumurala kilappuriye.. aprom naa TR aayidhuven..
adapaavi am i still devilish:(
@karthik anna
naatuku oru tr podhum naa:( adhuve thaangala!!lol!
he he he....
very nice post reminds me of my devilish things :P
very nice post..
I enjoyed it much :)
hey Anand aniyayathukku paavama irukkan photo la...Jus c how he has evolved now @ SRM..
andha maadhri oru kutti devil elaarkulayum thoongindudhaan irkum:P
thank u:)
theryum da!!avan range eh ipo thani;) but idhu flash back dhaan:P
naanum kalaaichurken nu oru proof:P
Ayyo paavam Vaithi! Kutti pisaasu...my God! That was what I used to call my neighbor's daughter! Lol! :P
But a sweet apology there! I remember, my cousin and I would play a game, where we acted as shopkeepers. 'Muthu Stores' we called it. We would get plastic bagfuls of rice, dal, sugar ets from the kitchen and play. She was the shop owner and she'd ask me to sit and count the grains of rice! (And I'd do as she said feeling so important!) That was what I'd be reduced to, while she entertained the 'customers'! Humph!
Nekku ippo nenecha kovam thaan varadhu, aana ava ennoda 8 vaisu periyava, adhu naala, aati padaicha avu!
(You may have noticed that my Tamil's been improving day by day...I really do hope I got all that right!) ;D
Hi Friend.. Interesting post.. Keep up the good work.. Do visit my blog and posy your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!
:) nostalgia perhaps
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