Shabbaadi!!atlast am back into this blogosphere after a very hectic week!!Cant even come online cos coll started for me and these staffs as if they are in Massachusetts Institue...rushing up with portions in the first week[:/] nenapu dhaan pozhapa kedukum!!Haan..so..yeah..this stupid coll dint allow me to blog!!Atlast i stole sometime to write about my 2008!!
Ahem!!seriously i don remember anything in these three months..maha dhraavai..but yeah my anna got a gr8 CAT score!!But this was a happy nd a sad news for me...cos
Amma:"Paaru anna va..he achieved..neeyum semester la vaangi prove that u r his sister"!!
ahaaa nalla kelaparaangayya beedhi ah[:o]..so these three months are named as..."VETTIYAAGA VILAYAADU"
ahaaa nalla kelaparaangayya beedhi ah[:o]..so these three months are named as..."VETTIYAAGA VILAYAADU"
Exammmmmmmmmms!![:(] practical theory and all nonsense...my first year exams..was studyin fully..and by may anna got his IIM calls...he got calls from all IIMs except Bangalore...cool!!so happiness and pressure filled these two months...exams were fun thou cos we frnds sat under a tree b4 exams and used to chat evrythin except subject and enter the hall!!kinda tension free exams it was..and one of the exam date was my b'day..so celeb b4 exam!!
so..these two months are named as.."KUSHI"
Anna chose IIM-Ahmedabad and so we all went there to get him settled..so it was a new experience there..i cut my first week of 3rd semester for this[he he he..]and roamed entire city of ahmedabad!!Nice tour...after which resumed coll...3rd semster staffs were a disaster..i could teach them the subjects better..lol!!such was the state...awesome days..we all were busy laughin in classes and forgot we were in colls to study...semma enjoyment and we had no clue what our lessons were about..so these two months are named as "JAANE TU YA JAANE NAA"
Nothing much to say about august..i don remember anythin much in august except for my 2 close friends b'day celebs!!But September was rocking!!Myself and my friend won in "Idea Presentation" which was conducted by SRM university..our very first venture..and we won Rs.2500/~ and a gr8 thing was that it happened on his b'day..so it was lik his b'day gift!!That was really a happy moment in thios yr!! so..these months are clubbed up as "WINNER"
Again 3rd sem exams[:(] a gr8 tragedy for we kno nothing abt the subjects..all of us felt lik kids lost in a fair...practical theroy exams..we couldn even dream abt them and mostly were cryin thinkin abt the exams...won this be sufficeinet to run 2 months?!..but at the end of november NISHA saved us all from last two exmas..summa mazhai penju pattaya kelapiduthu la[:p]
so i name these 2 months as "NINAIVELLAM NISHA"
The months which mostly passed away in holidays..i was so vetti tat i updated blog so much!But the 2 postponed exams were lik thorn on my seat...so the entire hols was damn boring!The weather was damp preventin me from going out anywhere..later part had my 2 remainin exams and then 4th sem began..i am travelin to my coll in this biting cold!..staffs seem knowledgable but we r not yet ready to learn anythin..lol!let me see how things are goin to be in the new year!!!so here i am wishing u all a happy new year!![:)] so this month is "CHENNAYIL ORU KULIR KAALAM"
1 comment:
hey nice one...
nice movies names 2
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