"Hey its 6 am now de..u are late by 30mins...even if u start gettin ready now u cannot reach the stop to catch ur college bus...so leave it..bunk ur college today.."
"Amma!!wat r u sayin?!i ve got my IC lab today and Kavitha mam ll ask me for permission letters..oh god!i need to go..u cud ve woken me up la?!"
"Hey come on...just 1 day..free free!!take good rest today at home.."
"My God!Amma..unbeleivable..ok ok..u are sayin to bunk then how can i say no!!seri seri am bunkin ma!!"
I take my mobile from the window sill to find numerous goodnight-messages and a missed call from Ajit.."Oh god!!why ve i received so many messages unusually!!ok let me call up Ajit.."
"Hello Good Morning.. say de.."i can hear a incredibly fresh voice of Ajit..
"Hey wat a surprise..how come u attended my call in the very first ring?!Strange!!U never pick even after 3-4 calls..ok ok...why had u given me a missed call?"
"Oh..that was to inform u that myself and arjun are not comin to college today cos we ve planned to study the entire Protection and Switchgear by today...how come u r callin me now?reached bus stop so soon?"
"Ila pa..actually i slept off a bit long..so decided to bunk today!Anyways...fine.. enjoy ur day...ll message apoorva and divya to inform about my absense today..bye bye!!"
"Ok de bye..."
I send a message to apoorva and divya sayin i will not be coming to college today...There was no reply from both...So i went to brush my teeth thinkin they both are gettin ready for the college...
My mom comes wit a cup of coffee in her hand and a smile on her face..i get the cup from her and check my mobile for replies when i get a message from Naren..
"Hey ppl..Good Morning..today am going to Casa Piccola with my girl friend for breakfast...so i won be comin to college...please inform Essakiraj sir that i dint attend the lab today for the reason mentioned above"
"Hey Naren even am not going today cheers!Heard Ajit and Arjun are bunking too!"
"Lol!How come he is missing a lab class?!Weird!"
"Ya..Lol!!ok yaar enjoy bye bye:)"
And i trace back Naren's first message and get horrified!!"GIRLFRIEND??????God only knows wats happenin !!"
I have my coffee..browse paper..and find a big block news item
"Dr.X,HOD,@#^*%(!$) Engineering College was arrested last evening 3:00PM after he asked questions to Ram,a student regarding the late submission of leave letter..The student who is said to be the victim was found unconscious after facing a row of questions from Mr.X,his head of the dept. which had nothin to do with his late submission of the leave letter..On detailed investigation it was found that Mr.X had narrated an imaginary situation in which the student had got a job in INFOSYS and had to face severe punishment for submitting his project reports late to the Project head who was somewer in Bangkok.The student unable to understand how such a situation could arise dropped down uncounscious and is still in a koma..."
"What nonsense!!I was actually expecting this to happen someday..and it happens today"My head was spinning literally!!
Beep beep...1 message received-kapil
"Hi..why dint u come today..today something unusual happened in coll re..hariharan was given a suspension for bunkin the class and goin to canteen..dunno wats gonna happen..ll tell u wen things are finalised..We are in OOPs class now...its damn interestin.."
"Hariharan getting a suspension!!Hes the mooooost sincere chap who does every class work and readin on a daily basis...he bunked huh??!!and OOPs class interestin aaaah[:O]seriously mysterious!!"
Suddenly the phone rings and i find apoorva's landline number on my caller ID.. i pick it up
"Hello.."i could hear Divya's voice[:o]"Hey myself and apoo are on the way to ur house..we ll see Harry Potter-6 in Chromepet INOX de!just book the tickets for the noon show!"
"wat the...."
I slam the phone down when it rings again....
I try to ignore it but somethin was happenin to me..i was no found with the coffee cup or newspaper...i feel as if am lying down flat..I try to rub my eyes..
I rub them to find am on bed closing my eyes..
Alas!!!!!it was a dream!!well maybe this is called a FANTAS[Y]TIC DREAM[:D]

P.S:Friends if u don find anything amusing above then please understand that those things stated as a happenin above ve never happened in my life and am waitin for such things to happen lol!!Evlovoooooo paathutom.idha paakamaatoma:p