This year's navarathri is over:)
But the worst part of this years navrathri was that i dint have pooja holidays:(
Gone are the days when we were in school we had 10+ days by the name pooja holidays..it was the "harvest time" for a girl like me....
Guess why???
For navarathri all my athai perima ppl get me new dress[:D]
I used to buy 3 dresses myself and wait for 6 more so that nine days i had nine new dresses!!
In addition to the navarathri release[i.e.wearin of those new dresses] i used to dress up in saree and call myself a MAMI and "AZHAICHUFY" my neighbours for golu..
and not to forget the SUNDALS!!
Each day one sundal was prepared in every house..and it was the job of my appa and anna to taste the sundals i get from each house..lol
Every year appa and amma get some bowl or some innovative vessel to "vechu kuduthufy" along with the vethala paaku!!
Nice time of the year navarathri is!!!
As a girl i enjoy every aspect of this function..
I always learnt a new set of songs b4 navarathri!!
Once i enter a house the host always says"Va va va Gayathri!!waitin to hear ur song!!"
And i have to sing...
Mostly it ll be a "kurai ondrum illai" or "srichakra raaja simmaasaneshwari"Lol!!
The good thing about golu is that however badly u sing u always have a sundal and vethala paaku...
Guess it was an encouragement ppl gave to small children in those days!!Lol!!
Always golus are colurful and interesting to watch!!
The next best thing about golu is the park!!!

This year's golu:
*My park was not so impressive as the engineerin aspect of the construction was wrong{en engineerin skills la neruppa vekka!!}
But these parks are always an element of attraction for the kuttis who come to watch the golu...
Especially havin a paati like mine who devotes all her time in shooin away the aaravakolaru kuttis away from the park it is really a fun time.."Thodapdaadhu" she was sayin to the naughty 1st std boy who ran eagerly with his hands outstretched 2wards the park!!:p
*The most special thing that happened this year was SHAHRUKH KHAN comin to my golu and singin "pillayaar pillayaar"!!
LOL!Shahrukh is the 6 year old son of my mom's collegue!!Since he studies in a hindu school he says lots of slokas!!!Nice la!!?
*This year we dint make vella kothukadala or white gram sundal..since one day went for puttu anothr day for ellu podi we had kaaramani,mochai,verkadalai,black gram,kadala paruppu,payatham paruppu and pattani sundals!!
*I got 5 new dresse[:D] inspite of not going out much!!!pasakaaaaara payapullaiga!!!vethala paaka kuduthu anupirkaa!!!LOL!!
*I sang just 4 songs in total..it went in a rotation...couldn think of manny songs!!!very busy wit coll work u see[:p]
*I missed visitin few very important places[:(]..wish to visit them all soon or atleast for next golu!!!
*The best thing about me this golu was i followed all the rules of golu and dint even touch my book on sarawati pooja[:p]
Nothin much happened this golu!!!
Hope next year things go really grand!!!
Enna paakareenga??! engaathu golu ku vandhel la..adhaan sundal ah apdi vechurken;)