HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!
Let me share my first day of 2008 with you all in this post...
so...as my title itself says.."MY 1.1.2008 DID NOT HAVE ANYTHING GR8"
Here i go..
12:07am..."endrendrum..endrendrum punnagai..."
my mobile was ringing when i was in a deep sleep...
i opened my eyes big enough to see my best friend calling me...
but sleep won over friendship...i cut the call..
my paati was yelling in order to wake me up...
'the subscriber is currently not reacheable'
so..i slept off without minding those yells...
10:30am..."gayathri idhu too much..mariyaadhayaa ezhundhiru"
my dad was pulling me from my bed..
i had to get up!!
atlast...i woke up...i can see the bright sun in a new born years first day..
"oh today is jan1"said my brain...
"appa!!!happy new year!"i said..
"haan haan..poi palla theyi modhalla"he replied..
i brushed my teeth,took bath,dressed up and was ready for my breakfast..
when i remembered my mom was not at home but in her brothers place..
so i had to go to my aunt's place for breakfast..
by the time i had my breakfast the clock showed 12:30pm..
"oh my god!!!assignments!!!"said my brain..
i ran to my house..started writing my assignments...(could not see the time..because no time!!lol!)
4:30pm.."hayyo...these much assignments ah?!"yelled my brain
"i want some rest"shouted my heart..
heart won the battle...
5:00pm.."hee hee thanku nga..ungalukkaaga oru soooper paatu vardhu paathu enjoy pannunga.."
sun music vj was smiling in front of me...
"shhhh..ipove kanna kattudhe..."
6:30pm..."naadhaan thirumalai"
sun tv was telecasting thirumalai..and i could see myself liking the movie lesser and lesser as the time passed..
7:00pm..."hey happy new year de!"
my school mate was standing at my door...
so i started to talk with her...
dong!!!the clock rang 8..."ayyo assignments!!"
"gayathri saapda vaa"
my aunt was calling me...
so had dinner
8:30pm..."go and write the assignments you fool!"directed my brain..
so i started to..
i still had 2 more works when my heart said"inime enga mudikardhu..freeyaa vidu"
so finally here i am..in blogspot to share this..lol!!!
so...did u find anything interesting??
hence the title!!!